Flight1 Tech announces its G1000® Enterprise flight simulator has received FAA AATD approval!
WABASH, IN., May 15, 2019: Flight1 Tech announces that its G1000 Enterprise flight simulator has achieved AATD approval from the FAA. This approval allows customers to log time toward their instrument rating as well as maintain IFR proficiency using the sim.
Jim Rhoads, founder and Chief Engineer at Flight1 Tech comments, “The FAA approval is the culmination of four years of engineering, utilizing Flight1 Tech's decades of software development expertise. We designed the system for single-pilot IFR proficiency. Every button and knob, cursor push, and side-stick movement mimics the airplane very closely. We designed and manufactured most of the hardware in-house to achieve the durability required for both college and flight school use.
Flight1 Tech offers Cirrus (G5 or G6 versions), Piper NXi, and Cessna single-engine G1000 platforms. Flight1 Tech’s instructor workstation, VISPRO (used for years by other sim providers), continues to evolve, bringing even more advanced flight training capabilities to the simulator.
Rhoads continues; “We feel the platform exceeds the capabilities offered by systems priced well above ours. We are very encouraged by the attention that our simulators are now receiving from both pilots and flight training professionals.”
For more information or to schedule a personal demo at AirVenture 2019, contact Flight1 Tech at www.flight1tech.com or call 877-727-4568